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Book Club
Our Tuesday club meets at Den Engel a Belgian inspired bar based in the market town of Leek. Lovely atmosphere.
Our Wednesday club meets at The Fountain Inn, a lovely pub in the heart of Leek. We have a room booked out exclusively for us to chat about books.
Once a month
We meet once a month to discuss the book, we also talk about other books, and have a general natter.
Contact us at to register interest in joining.
We support our local bookshop in Leek and most* members purchase a copy of our book club books from Picture Book.
*This is optional you can source your book however you want (Audible, Library e.t.c)

New book club
We are in the process of setting up a Science fiction and Fantasy specific book club. If you are interested in joining email us to be told when our first meet will be and what our first book will be :)

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