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Shirley Mann

I'm a journalist who decided, somewhat belatedly in life, to write a novel having heard from both my parents about their wartime experiences. I'd spent my working life in newspapers and then BBC radio and television, before starting a media company making films for organisations such as the National Heritage Lottery Fund and Natural England. I wanted to write a good read but an intelligent read and accurate research was crucial to me so I travelled the country to talk to WAAFs, many in their late 80s and 90s. Their stories inspired these books and it was humbling to meet them and share their stories and if I've managed to convey what it was really like to live as young people through extraordinary times, then I feel I'll have done justice to their, and my parents' legacy.


I've loved weaving these stories, knowing that so many of the experiences I describe in the books actually happened to real people but all this would be nothing without you, the reader, so I really hope you enjoy my books. Do let me know what you think, it's so lovely to get reviews and I'm thrilled to see how much people are enjoying them. This has been a personal journey but I'm delighted to see how many people are engaging with it and finding a world that they can relate to.

Many people have said the books have made them look again at the rheumy-eyed person behind the zimmer frame to find a young person facing the same challenges we are all still facing- be it Covid or uncertainty. I do hope so, they deserve a second look.

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