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Kathy Tallentire

My first book was self-published in 2017 and it has been a rollercoaster ride since then. I now have 4 self-published titles and a 5th will hopefully be on the way soon via an exciting Kickstarter pre-order campaign.

It was the birth of my daughter (in 2016) that changed everything. I had spent many years building up my career in accountancy, accumulating business qualifications and generally working hard in that one field. 

Spending time with my little girl and reading hundreds of different children's stories really inspired me. My first book, a Stokie/North Staffordshire based picture book called Nana Duck, did well and I found that I loved visiting schools and nurseries. There is nothing like reading your story and getting great reactions from a class full of eager little children.

Now, I'm having ideas all of the time. I'm so looking forward to bringing more stories into the world, to seeing my characters come to life through the talented illustrators that I work with, and inspiring more children in my local area and beyond.

You can keep up to date with what I'm up to by joining my mailing list and by following my group on Facebook using the Facebook icon below.

If you'd like to hear me interviewed on my local radio station you can do so on the Moorlands Radio website. We chat about Nana Duck, Rescue Me and writing in general.

As a self-published author, I have the great pleasure of working very closely with the illustrators of my books. You can find out more about them and the books they've so beautifully illustrated here.

In 2022, I found out that I'd won my first book award after being a finalist in a couple of awards with Nana Duck. The Whisker Twitchers (illustrated by Becky Stout), won a bronze medal in the 2021 Wishing Shelf Awards. I was absolutely over the moon!

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